Our guest today is Samantha Laduc. Samantha is the Founder of LaDucTrading.com and CIO at LaDuc Capital LLC. Samantha is known for timing major market inflection points in equities, commodities, bonds, currencies, cryptos and especially volatility.
In this episode we break down Samantha’s macro-to-micro framework and cover a wide range of topics. We start with some high-level macro discussions of why it’s important to pay attention to policy decisions and credit markets in order to inform stock market movement.
We then drill down into the importance of volatility and technical analysis in order to frame out trades, construct a portfolio, and anticipate market moves.
We also discuss the recent inflow of brand new traders entering financial markets and how Samantha is helping onboard more women into the space.
Samantha wears so many hats, has a “go anywhere” approach and really enjoys what she does.
Please enjoy this episode with Samantha Laduc.
This episode is sponsored by Investor’s Business Daily. IBD has helped investors navigate every market cycle with their time-tested methodology for over 35 years. Right now Smarter Trading podcast listeners can get their first 2 months of IBD Digital, a subscription service that gives you access to IBD’s proprietary market analysis and top trade ideas for only $20 by signing up at investors.com/evan.
What you'll learn in this episode
2:40 How Samantha starts her trading days
4:05 Macro-to-micro framework and the importance of technicals
7:30 Credit markets, market technicals, policy decisions
11:25 Constructing a portfolio and selecting trade opportunities
13:30 Chase, swing, and trend and structuring trades
18:10 How to identify durable trends based on themes and catalysts
21:40 Individual stock earnings, playing post moves
27:25 Volatility, Gamma, and trading parabolas
30:30 Women in trading and finance
37:00 Market breadth as risk indicators
39:30 Sector rotation and ratio charts
43:15 Aggregating information from a variety of market signals
45:20 Contrarian opinions & common trader beliefs
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Please keep in mind, all opinions expressed by guests are solely their own opinions and do not reflect the opinion of Evan or the Trade Risk. This podcast is for informational purposes only. Please review our complete disclaimer which applies to the contents of this podcast.
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